AFRICA:16 OCTOBRE 2012:[Pan African Conference opens in Tanzania]

October 16, 2012

[The First Pan African Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management in African National Parks was opened Monday this week in northern Tanzania’s tourist city of Arusha, with commitments from African governments to develop responsible tourism. UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Secretary General Dr….

AFRICA:12 OCTOBRE 2012: [La RD-Congo se mobilise pour le « grand sommet » de Kinshasa]

October 12, 2012

[Du 12 au 14 octobre, la capitale congolaise accueille le 14e sommet de la francophonie.François Hollande, attendu à Kinshasa après une étape aujourd’hui à Dakar, effectue son premier déplacement officiel en Afrique.Jusqu’au dernier moment, la ville s’est préparée à cet événement, diversement…

AFRICA:08 OCTOBRE 2012:[South Africa: Murder and War Talk As the Killing Fields Move to Amplats]

October 8, 2012

[No peace is to be found on Rustenburg’s platinum belt – tensions are rising at Amplats, where a worker was shot dead by police last week and 12,000 workers got sacked. Strikers said they’d die before allowing new labour on site, while…

AFRICA: 5 OCTOBRE 2012 [ France to push for UN resolution to encourage political and military response to Mali crisis ]

October 5, 2012

[France announced Thursday it will circulate a draft U.N. resolution aimed at stepping up pressure on Mali’s government and its West African neighbors to agree quickly on a workable military plan to oust Islamic militants who seized the north and are turning…

AFRICA: 2 OCTOBRE 2012 [ Les soldats somaliens et de lUnion africaine entrent dans Kismayo ]

October 3, 2012

[Les soldats somaliens et ceux de lUnion africaine (UA) sont entrés lundi dans Kismayo, dans le sud-est de la Somalie, désertée par les islamistes shebab depuis plus de 48 heures. Selon les témoignages des habitants, les premiers soldats du contingent kényan de…

AFRICA:28 SEPTEMBRE 2012 [Rwanda and Congo deeply at odds over responsibility for escalating violence in eastern Congo]

September 28, 2012

[Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon joined hands with the leaders of Rwanda and Congo at a high-level meeting aimed at ending the crisis in eastern Congo but the attempt at unity was short-lived. The two presidents remained deeply at odds over responsibility for the…