U.S. envoy arrives in Central African Republic amid sectarian clashes                           www.latimes.com[U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called for an immediate end to violence in the Central African Republic, where clashes this week left “dozens” of people dead including six African Union peace-keepers. A mass grave containing at least 20 bodies was discovered yesterday in the capital, Bangui, Kerry said in a statement e-mailed by the State Department today. The bodies of 44 people were found in the streets of the city yesterday after clashes on Dec. 24 and Dec. 25, Romaric Bekourou, a spokesman for the Red Cross, said by phone. Sixty people were injured, he said.]

Lire la suite dans : AFRICA : 27 DECEMBRE 2013 : [U.S. Urges End to Central Africa Clashes as Mass Grave Found]

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